The Cumberland Valley Youth Basketball Association (hereinafter called CVYBA) is incorporated exclusively for charitable purposes under the Non-profit Corporation Law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Section 1.
The purpose of the CVYBA as stated in the Articles of Incorporation is: "To use basketball as a tool to build character and teach life skills to young persons residing in the Cumberland Valley School District students, foster new friendships within a team environment, have fun while enjoying physical activity, and encourage community service. We also endeavor to teach basketball fundamentals to develop those student athletes interested in participating in middle school interscholastic basketball."
Section 2.
The CVYBA shall carry out its purpose of sponsoring recreational and travel basketball teams for youth 19 years of age and under who are residents of the Cumberland Valley School District. Participation on such teams shall not be restricted by virtue of race, sex, creed, religion, national origin or ethnic group. All recreational players must play approximately one-half (1/2) of each game, regardless of the policy of any non-CVYBA opponent, except in the
cases of injury or illness, habitual absences from scheduled practices or serious disciplinary problems with a player.
The grade group coordinator and parents must be notified in advance if a player is to be withheld from a game due to absences from practices or disciplinary reasons.
Section 3.
All participants must agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the CVYBA, the CVYBA Participant Contract, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, and of such local, state and national basketball organizations as the CVYBA elects to join.
Section 1.
The Executive Board shall meet the 2nd Sunday of each month from August of the current year through March of the following year, or additionally as necessary to conduct the business of the CVYBA. Participation in these meetings shall include the officers of the Executive Board, Grade Level coordinators, and chairpersons of the CVYBA appointed committees. Executive Board meetings are split into separate discussion sessions for recreation and travel.
Section 2.
An annual general assembly meeting shall be held after the season, or as deemed necessary to conduct CVYBA business. The general assembly meeting shall be held to elect officers for the upcoming year. If such a meeting is not called, any voting member may call the meeting by notifying the Secretary. Notice of the general assembly meetings shall be given to all voting members of the CVYBA. Membership in the general assembly of the CVYBA includes the officers of the Executive Board, Grade Level coordinators, and chairpersons of the CVYBA appointed committees. The general assembly meeting is open to the public. The time and location will be announced to the general assembly at least 10 days in advance of the meeting.
Section 3.
Special meetings can be called by the Executive Board. Except in emergencies, two (2) days notice shall be given.
Section 4.
Seven (7) members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum to conduct business at Executive Board meetings.
Section 5.
Fourteen (14) voting members of the CVYBA assembly shall constitute a quorum to conduct business at general assembly meetings. This number must include at least seven (7) Executive Board members. Any combination of Committee Chairs or Age Level Coordinators can fill the remaining seven (7) voting members required for the quorum.
Section 6.
At least one registration period shall be held annually for the purpose of registering players.
Section 7.
The Executive Board may, in its sole discretion, determine that any meeting of the members shall not be held at any place, but may instead be held solely by means of remote communication. Participation in a meeting held by remote communication shall constitute presence in person at the meeting for all purposes, including quorum and voting. Members shall receive at least seven (7) days advance notice of the change to a remote meeting and shall be provided instructions for participation and voting for such remote meeting.
Section 8.
The Executive Board may, in its sole discretion, determine that any number of attendees, up to and including all attendees, may participate in any meeting of the Executive Board by means of remote communication. Participation in a meeting held by remote communication shall constitute presence in person at the meeting for all purposes, including quorum and voting.
Section 1.
Election of Officers - Each of the Executive Board members, Grade Level Coordinators, and chairpersons of the CVYBA appointed committees is entitled to one (1) vote in each of the elections for officers at general assembly meetings. Officers shall be elected by a simple majority of voting members present, providing there is a quorum as stated in Article III, Section 5, and shall serve for a term of one year.
Section 2.
Election of Grade Level Coordinators - Each of the Executive Board members, Grade Level Coordinators and chairpersons of CVYBA appointed committees is entitled to one (1) vote in the elections of Grade Level Coordinators. Grade Level Coordinators shall be elected by a simple majority of voting members present, providing there is a quorum as stated in Article III, Section 5, and shall serve for a term of one year.
Section 3.
Election of chairpersons of the CVYBA appointed committees - Each of the Executive Board members, Grade Level Coordinators and chairpersons of CVYBA appointed committees is entitled to one (1) vote for the purpose of electing a chairperson of the CVYBA appointed committees. Chairpersons of the CVYBA appointed committees shall be elected by a simple majority of voting members present, providing there is a quorum as stated in Article III,
Section 5, and shall serve for a term of one year.
Section 4.
Any action of the Executive Board or of any CVYBA member may be reviewed at general assembly meetings. A majority vote of those present with voting rights can reverse any decision of the Executive Board or any CVYBA member, providing there is a quorum as stated in Article III, Section 5.
Section 5.
If any Executive Board, Committee Chair, or Age Level Coordinator position is vacated anytime after the General Assembly meeting the position may be filled at a future scheduled Executive Board meeting. Any vacated position shall be elected by a simple majority of voting members present, providing there is a quorum as stated in Article III, Section 4, and shall finish the initial term of one year.
The slate of interested individuals must be provided to the President or the President's designee, and the Secretary at least 10 days prior to the announced date of the next Executive Board Meeting.
Section 6.
Nothing in these By-Laws shall be constituted as permitting any individual to have more than one (1) vote on any single issue or in any single election.
Section 1.
The officers of this organization shall be a President, a First Vice President, a Second Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Registrar/Scheduler, an Assistant Registrar/Scheduler, an Equipment Coordinator, a Uniform Coordinator, a Coaches Coordinator,
and three (3) Directors at Large, all of whom are members of the Executive Board.
Each year the Executive Board shall solicit the general assembly membership for individuals to serve as officers for the subsequent year. The slate of interested individuals must be provided to the President or the President's designee, and the Secretary at least 10 days prior to the announced date of the Annual General Assembly Meeting.
General assembly members may nominate themselves or other members. The slate will be presented at the general assembly meeting and be determined by a simple majority of voting members present, providing there is a quorum as stated in Article III, Section 5.
Committees may be established by the President and approved at general assembly meetings as deemed necessary to carry out the activities of the CVYBA.
Section 2.
Duties of the Officers
The President shall preside at all meetings; appoint all committees subject to the approval of the Executive Board; enforce the Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws and such rules and regulations as have been enacted by the CVYBA; call such meetings as required to conduct business; cast a deciding vote on all issues on which members of the Executive Board find themselves deadlocked; supervise the affairs of the CVYBA; approve any voucher for payment of monies which have been duly authorized; sign all contracts and documents with the Secretary when the same have been duly authorized; serve as the CVYBA representative to all organizations with which the CVYBA is affiliated or with which the CVYBA conducts business, and become ex-officio member of all committees and subcommittees of the association.
The First Vice President shall also perform the duties of President during his or her absence or incapacity; and assume the office of President in the event of the President's resignation. The First Vice President shall also serve on other committees as designated by the Executive Board.
The Second Vice President shall also perform the duties of the First Vice President during his or her absence or incapacity, and assume the office of First Vice President in the event it is vacated by the First Vice President's resignation or the assumption of the office of President. The Second Vice President shall also serve on other committees as designated by the Executive Board.
The Secretary shall keep records of all proceedings of the Executive Board and general assembly and sign with the President all contracts and documents. The Secretary shall also supervise all correspondence and the preparation and revisions of all publications of the CVYBA. The Secretary shall also head the communications committee and serve on other committees as designated by the Executive Board.
The Treasurer shall deposit/invest all monies in the name of the CVYBA in savings and checking accounts of reputable institutions; liquidate all bills against the CVYBA after approval; report the state of finances at every Executive Board meeting or whenever required by the President; and submit a written statement of accounts at the general assembly meetings. The Treasurer shall also supervise any fund raising committee and serve on other committees as designated by the Executive Board. The Treasurer will coordinate efforts with the Executive Board to prepare and submit to the general assembly for approval an annual budget that shall include the projected income and expenses for the fiscal year which begins July 1 and ends June 30.
The Registrar/Scheduler shall manage and supervise all registration and scheduling activities, including practices and games for all CVYBA Recreational teams and practices for Travel and Tournament Teams. He or she shall also maintain all records of players and team registrations, schedules, and maintain a reference file on rules and regulations established by the CVYBA or any other organization with which the CVYBA affiliates pertaining to players and teams. The cloud based applications shall be used to facilitate and communicate registration, team formation, and scheduling. The Registrar/Scheduler shall also serve on other committees as designated by the Executive Board. The Registrar/Scheduler shall receive a stipend, in an amount determined by the Executive Board, for the performance of his or her duties.
The Assistant Registrar/Scheduler shall assist the Registrar/Scheduler in all duties. He or she shall also perform the duties of the Registrar/Scheduler during his or her absence or incapacity; and assume the office of Registrar/Scheduler in the event of a resignation. The Assistant Registrar/Scheduler shall field, director, and/or reply to emails incoming to the general CVYBA mailbox. The Assistant Registrar/Scheduler shall also serve on other committees as designated by the Executive Board. The Assistant Registrar/Scheduler shall receive a stipend, in an amount determined by the Executive Board, for the performance of his or her duties.
The Equipment Coordinator shall supervise all activities related to equipment, including the ordering, distribution, and storage needs of all equipment, and scoreboards. As well, this individual shall maintain inventories on all CVYBA equipment and recommend replacement to the Executive Board, as necessary. When recommending purchases, bids should be taken to ensure the best price possible. This individual will also serve on other committees as designated by the Executive Board.
The Uniform Coordinator shall supervise all activities related to uniforms including ordering the uniforms and coordinating the pickup of uniforms by the Grade Level Coordinators. This individual will also recommend alternate vendors at the time current vendor contracts expire and will act as the liaison for the CVYBA when contacting vendors on any issues. This individual will also serve on other committees as designated by the Executive Board.
The Coaches Coordinator shall be responsible for finding Grade Level Coordinators for vacant divisions and will act as a point of contact for the Grade Level Coordinators to distribute necessary information. The Coaches Coordinator shall also perform background checks on all officers of the Executive Board, Grade Level coordinators, chairpersons of appointed committees, and coaches for the CVYBA prior to the start of basketball activities. This individual will also serve on other committees as designated by the Executive Board.
The officers shall perform all other duties necessary to implement these By-Laws and any other CVYBA policies established by the Executive Board and general assembly. Any officer engaging in activity deemed detrimental to the CVYBA can be removed from the Executive Board by a majority vote of the Executive Board. The Executive Board has the right to ask officers to resign if they are not fulfilling their roles as officers and/or for disciplinary
The Director at Large provides general oversight of the activities and operations of CVYBA, and provides direction to the formulation and achievement of the Association's vision, mission, and strategic goals. This individual shall provide support as necessary for, and serve on committees as designated by, the Executive Board.
Section 1.
The following Grade Level Coordinators will be established, with additional coordinators added by the Executive Board as deemed necessary:
Boys Age Levels | Girls Age Levels |
2nd Grade | 2nd & 3rd Grade |
3rd Grade | 4th & 5th Grade |
4th Grade | 6th , 7th, & 8th Grade |
5th Grade | 9th, 10th, 11th & 12th Grade |
6th Grade | |
7th & 8th Grade | |
9th & 10th Grade | |
11th & 12th Grade |
Grade Level Coordinators shall serve as representatives of the coaches within the grade group from which they were elected in accordance hereunder. They are responsible for informing the Grade level coaches of the activities of the Executive Board and for informing the Executive Board of the activities and views of the Grade level coaches.
Each Grade Level Coordinator is responsible for team formations through a draft process, and Grade level activities. The Grade Level Coordinator establishes policies and procedures for their respective age levels in accordance with CVYBA By-Laws and policies and with approval from the Executive Board. Grade Level Coordinators shall serve on committees as designated by the current President. Grade Level Coordinators are required to attend any meetings as notified by the Executive Board.
Section 2.
The Grade Level Coordinators shall perform all other duties necessary to implement these By-Laws and any other CVYBA policies established by the Executive Board and general assembly.
Section 1.
The following committees/chairpersons will be established:
Referee Coordinator: supervise all activities related to referee coordination and training. This includes recruiting youth referees and youth referee coordinators as well as an overall CVYBA Youth Referee Coordinator. As well, this individual will be responsible for setting up referee training clinics and conducting follow-up evaluations of all referees. The referee coordinator will also serve on other committees as designated by the Executive Board.
Tournament Director: supervise and coordinate all activities related to CVYBA sponsored tournaments. This individual will be responsible for coordinating the following activities for each tournament including but not limited to: concessions, advertising, tickets, volunteer help, game support, team support, and awards. As well, this individual will keep the Executive Board informed of all developments as each tournament progresses. The tournament director will also serve on other committees as designated by the Executive Board.
Media Coordinator: responsible for keeping information current and updated on the CVYBA website. This shall include, but not be limited to, travel team result postings, registration updates, meeting dates, and updating any other web page on the CVYBA website. The Media Coordinator will also be responsible for updating the CVYBA social media and caring our marketing and public relations initiatives as needed or upon the request of the Executive Board.
Fundraising Coordinator: supervise and coordinate all activities related to the fundraising efforts for CVYBA including CVYBA Hoopsfest. The fundraising coordinator will also supervise and coordinate all activities related to the Awards Ceremony including ordering trophies and plaques.
Section 2.
Committees may be established by the current President as deemed necessary to carry out the activities of the CVYBA.
Section 1.
Recreational player evaluation shall be supervised and managed by age group coordinators at open gyms and clinics during the first 3 weeks of the season prior to team formation. Team formation shall be supervised and managed by age group coordinators with the goal being parody and fair competition. No special arrangements or assignments shall be made based on requests or preferences unless such arrangements can be made while facilitating the drafting of teams even in ability.
Section 1.
A 'Travel Team' is defined as a CVYBA team that plays in leagues of non-CVYBA teams. Travel team activities are partially funded by normal CVYBA fees in an amount approximately equivalent to the funds spent on rec teams. Additional CVYBA funds may be offered to travel teams that volunteer or participate in fundraising activities. In grades 6 and lower, playing time should be distributed as evenly as possible over the course the season.
'The CVYBA Travel Team Contract' should be used to set expectations among players, parents, and coaches. This contract should be used by Travel coaches and presented prior to the season start.
Section 2.
Travel Team Implementation
One Travel team for each boys’ and girls’ grades 4th through 8th shall be formed. Teams shall consist of 16-22 players that will further be divided into squads for practice, game, league, and tournament play. Exceptions to the number of players should only be made with the approval of the CVYBA Board. At the discretion of the age group Head Travel Coach, squads can be fluid and change or be consistent throughout the season. At the fourth grade level there shall be two evenly split squads referred to as a “White Squad” and a “Black Squad”. The age group Head Travel Coaches may form an “A” squad of stronger players to compete in Tournaments. This squad shall be referred to as a “Red Squad”. In grade levels 5th through 8th, Head Travel Coaches shall split teams into "A" and "B" squads. These squads should be referred to as "Red" and "White".
Nothing, however, shall prevent age group Head Travel Coaches from moving players among squads as long as movement does not disadvantage the development or opportunities of players on either squad.
Squads may practice and play separately, but at least one monthly practice directly supervised by the age group Head Travel Coach should be open to all rostered players.
Section 3.
Coach Selection
At a minimum of three weeks prior to formal tryouts, a meeting to discuss travel coaches for each grade level will be held among the Development Coordinators, any retained Grade Level Coordinator, and the Executive Board. The candidates will be discussed and voted on. Any individuals present at the meeting who are candidates may participate in discussion, but should recuse themselves from voting.
Interested candidates must submit their names, clearances, and credentials for consideration for yearly travel team coaching positions to the Development Coordinators which must be forwarded to the Executive Board. All other credentials being equal, non-parent coaches should be favored.
If a parent of a player intending to try out is selected as a coach, their child is guaranteed a roster spot.
Section 1.
All Evaluations and Drafts will be conducted by an Evaluator Team appointed by the CVYBA Board of Directors and supervised by the Development Coordinators.
Section 2.
Evaluator Team Selection
The Team will have no less than four (4) members and no more than six (6) members for each evaluation. Evaluators should not have family connections to players. It is preferred to have school coaches participate when able.
Section 3.
Formal tryouts will consist of at least two initial sessions for each age group. The Development Coordinator will be responsible for assigning an individual to create and carry out all drills for each evaluation. Evaluators will rate with a single number based upon knowledge of the number of available rooster spots and the number of players trying out. Comments will be encouraged. The numeric rating system is as follows:
1 - Rec Player
2 – Good Rec Player
3 - On the bubble between Rec and Travel
4 - Second Tier Travel Player
5- Top Tier Travel Player
The evaluation forms should be given to the Development Coordinator for recording and tabulation in a spreadsheet. The original forms should be turned over to the Secretary of the Board.
The top 22-28 scoring players from each age group will be invited to participate in Final Evaluation Session(s) with the Age Group Head Coach. Final Evaluation Session must be conducted within the two weeks that follow the CVYBA Travel Initial Tryout period.
Section 4.
Team Formation
Age group Head Travel Coaches will use evaluations and observations at Final Evaluation Sessions. to help select a tentative roster. Any individual is free to recuse themselves from the process. Player selections should be limited to players in that grade level unless a player of a younger grade level would be considered a dominate player at the higher level and be unanimously rated in the top five players in the Initial Tryout Session.
The roster will be approved by vote of executive board, with consideration given to the evaluations. The roster is posted after approval of executive board. Complaints by parents of players not selected should be directed first to the Head Travel Team Coach, and then the Development Coordinators, before being brought to the Executive Board. Initial Travel Tryout Scores should not be shared and shall be kept confidential.
Section 5.
Any exceptions to the Sections listed in this Article must be approved by the Executive Board.
Section 1.
Teams formed of Rec and/or Travel Players grades 3rd and older may be formed near the conclusion of the regular season to practice, play, and/or compete in special tournaments or competitions. Formation of teams and selection of coaches should be managed in collaboration with the Development Coordinators in accordance with policies and principles set forth from time to time by the Executive Board. Formation of teams shall be done in such a way that is fair and inclusive.
Section 1.
Political activities shall be limited as prescribed in the Articles of Incorporation of the CVYBA.
Section 2.
Dissolution of the CVYBA shall be carried out as described in the Articles of Incorporation of the CVYBA.
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern the CVYBA in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the CVYBA Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, and/or special rules that the CVYBA may adopt.
These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting members present at any Executive Board or general assembly meeting, provided a quorum is present as stated in Article III, and provided a notice of the proposed change has been made available to the membership no later than ten (10) days prior to such meeting.
Section 1.
The intent of the CVYBA Participant Protection Policy is to sustain and promote a safe organized basketball environment for our players, student referees, parents, and coaches.
Section 2.
CVYBA has a Zero Tolerance policy with regard to instances of player, referee, coach, or parent abuse. This policy extends to off-court behavior on Cumberland Valley school property and sites of Travel and/or Tournament locations (to include violence in the workplace and domestic abuse), as well as on-court behavior. One instance of confirmed negative behavior will be grounds for dismissal of an existing coach, assistant coach, referee, Grade group coordinator, Executive Board member, or chairpersons of the CVYBA appointed committees. Offending parents may be banned from attending games and practices. Players given technical fouls in a game for use of foul language will be ejected from the game and suspended for the next game. Examples of negative behavior include, but are not limited to, berating of players, referees, coaches, parents or Grade group coordinators; fighting, altercations or confrontations. Further, any instances of domestic, child, or school violence documented through a background check will be grounds for exclusion from CVYBA participation at all levels. "Second chances" will be granted at the discretion of the CVYBA Executive Board.
Section 3.
Grade Level Coordinators shall report to the CVYBA Executive Board all significant or recurring instances of negative behavior that is brought to their attention by coaches, referees, players, or parents. The Executive Board and General Assembly will determine the action taken.
All prospective coaches/assistants, Grade Level Coordinators, student referees, volunteers and executive board members must provide the following completed forms: “Report of Criminal History” from the Pennsylvania State Police, “Child Abuse History” certification from the Department of Human Services, and if the volunteer has lived in the state of Pennsylvania less than 10 years they are also required to complete a fingerprint based federal criminal history (FBI) report submitted through a PA Department of Human Services (DHS) authorized agent. These forms will be subject to review by the CVYBA Executive Board and used to perform background checks on all volunteers. Failure to submit the required background checks will result in loss of volunteer privileges including removal from coaching responsibilities, loss of practice times, and/or possible dismissal from CVYBA.
The CVYBA Executive Board will keep the results of both background checks confidential and information will not be made public.
The by-laws stand as is.